Restoring pine floors in such properties is an incredible opportunity. This project was an extensive one and one which we got great reward from completing. The cottage had extensive pine floors throughout. Some had different finishes and all areas worthy of their own explanation. This is why we have chosen to show you each section of the wood restoration project.
Cottage floors are known to be quite rustic. This makes our job slightly more complex. However, we are happy to rise to the challenge and combine all knowledge we have in order to produce the best results.
Restoring Pine Floors – Our Story
Pine floors are used quite widely in domestic properties. They offer a really brilliant alternative with long-lasting potential.
Many of the wooden floors that we visit have years and years of old surface coatings. People, quite innocently add a wood finish on top of their old one thinking it will add protection. This can become particularly unsightly with darker finishes. The wood grain becomes buried, and the floor starts to have a tacky and layered appearance.
It is so rewarding stripping these layers back and breathing new life into the natural wood boards below. This reward is great when you start to see the natural wood grain. We have the benefit of knowing just how incredible the floors will look once complete.
This particular floor needed further repairs in order to achieve the best finish. These are done carefully and skilfully. Our team are extensively trained in order to achieve the best appearance. Once floors are finished there is no way of going back. It is therefore incredibly important to get wood repairs right.
The pine floors were finished with a hard-wearing natural finish. It feels like they were finally offered the respect they deserve. If you would like to request a floor sanding and restoration quotation, please get in touch by calling 07716 212907.
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