Many people are not aware of the results we can achieve with worktop sanding and refinishing. Wooden worktops can offer a very soft, characterful alternative. This is clearly shown in these pictures.
We thought it would be helpful to outline some of the pros and cons of wooden worktops. However, it is important to outline that we still feel confident that they still remain a serious contender for most attractive worktop designs.
Here are some disadvantages to wood worktops:
They require regular resealing. This is absolutely key with any wood worktop. The sealing process protects the wood underneath from germs and staining. However, with regular resealing, worktops will remain looking in great condition and furthermore will offer a protective layer.
Scratches and dents are possible. Wood, in comparison to other worktop options such as stone or concrete is much softer. This means that chopping on the surface is likely to leave scratches. Heavy items dropped onto the surface may also likely dent it. This needs to be a careful consideration so that you can keep your worktops looking at their best.
Burning or scorching will happen if hot pans are placed onto the surface. Hot pans left on any worktop will likely leave burn marks. These may be some of the most superficial problems. However, it is important to be cautious when placing hot items onto your wooden worktop.
Water damage or swelling can be caused by liquid spillages. If your worktop has not been appropriately sealed, then liquid and water spills can easily leave swelling and marks. You will often find that liquid left for a period of time on your worktop will further damage the finish and leave dull areas. These areas are likely to suffer from further damage as well.
Here are some advantages to wooden worktops:
They offer timeless style. Wood offers depth and class to any space. It works well with any colour scheme and will never go out of fashion. Other materials can be used to create statements to further add character to your kitchen. It is also important to appreciate that wood looks better with age. The colours will naturally deepen, and the grain will only look better as the years pass.
Wood is a naturally hygienic alterative. When wood worktops are sealed appropriately, they offer natural anti-bacterial properties. Germs and bacteria will be repelled, and this should only work to offer further assurance. It is important here to mention that you should only use non-toxic oils to reseal the surface for food preparation purposes.
They are unique and durable. Both of these elements work to promote their popularity. Part of their durability comes from the fact that they can be easily and simply fixed with wooden worktop restoration.
This is an example of our worktop restoration work in Bidford on Avon in Warwickshire. The kitchen was completely transformed. The natural grain shone through, and we left the surfaces well-protected and looking incredible. If you would like to find out more about our worktop sanding and refinishing, please call on 07716 212907.
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