Floor sanding machines SolihullRefinishing oak floors SolihullKnowledge is key; the following information about common floor sanding mistakes will hopefully empower you. This is an oak floor in a property in Balsall Common, Solihull. When wood floors are installed in hallways, they are likely to experience high foot traffic. Hallway wood floors are likely to experience additional wear if people have shoes on in that space. Dirt, particles, and debris are brought in on shoes and act like sandpaper against the surface of the wood floor.

We set to work to skilfully restore the oak floor. These images show the process that happens throughout wood restoration. It is vital to bring experience and passion for what we do to each job. There is a wealth of information online about DIY floor sanding. While this is possible, it is also important to realise that there are many mistakes that can be made throughout the process.

Some common floor sanding mistakes:

Restoring oak floors SolihullRestoring oak flooring SolihullThe first mistake can be using the wrong tools. Different tools need to be used throughout the sanding process. You will need to know the appropriate timing for using a belt sander, a palm sander, or an orbital sander.

The second mistake is staying in the same place for too long. This is applicable whether you are hand sanding or using floor sanding machines. If you sand the same spot for too long, you will be left with an uneven surface. This will become immediately visible when you are applying the finish.

It is also important not to press down too hard or apply too much pressure when using the machines.

Floor sanding company SolihullSanding wood floors SolihullThe third mistake is using the incorrect sandpaper grit. You need to select an appropriate sequence of sandpaper grits to achieve a smooth surface. If you select a paper with too coarse grit, it will cause deep scratches. If you select too fine a grit paper, you will waste time sanding. Another element of this is knowing when to change sandpaper so that the sanding process does not take longer than necessary.

Finally, another mistake is sanding against the grain. There are some circumstances when it is ok to sand against the grain. However, you need to know when and where this is appropriate.

If you would like to request a no-obligation quotation to refinish and restore your wood floors, please call 07716 212907. Don’t let these floor sanding mistakes happen to you!